

時(shí)間: 楚薇0 分享



Describe a product you bought which made you very happy

You should say:

What it is

When you bought it

Why you bought it

And explain why it made you happy


1. Why does shopping make people happy?

2. How do shops nowadays compare to shops in the past?

3. What are the features of a successful shopping center?

4. Do you think that men and women have different attitudes toward shopping?

1. Why does shopping make people happy?


這個(gè)問(wèn)題其實(shí)比較簡(jiǎn)單,但仍然有一些同學(xué)可能會(huì)反而把這個(gè)問(wèn)題想得很復(fù)雜,我們其實(shí)并不需要從一個(gè)非常專(zhuān)業(yè)的心理學(xué)角度psychological angle來(lái)準(zhǔn)確回答,只需要做到“言之有理,言之有物,緊扣主題,自圓其說(shuō)”就可以了。



買(mǎi)東西,尤其是女性購(gòu)買(mǎi)衣服,都是為了自己的形象image能夠拿得出手look good,這樣才會(huì)提升自己的魅力charm或者charisma,還有自信心confidence等等。其實(shí)不光是女士,男士在買(mǎi)車(chē)買(mǎi)房上也是比較務(wù)實(shí)的practical或者唯物的materialistic,因?yàn)樯鐣?huì)上大家都在這么做,你如果不這么購(gòu)置物品和別人保持基本的一致的話(huà),在某種意義上來(lái)說(shuō),你還不夠成功。

但是通過(guò)購(gòu)買(mǎi),你就可以獲得成就感a sense of achievement等。我們還可以列舉更多這樣的例子,主語(yǔ)可以換成學(xué)生students,老年人the elderly,或者再確切點(diǎn)家庭主婦housewives,商業(yè)大亨business tycoon,都可以通過(guò)他們購(gòu)買(mǎi)的特定東西來(lái)說(shuō)明讓他們快樂(lè)的原因。

Well, you know it's always a pleasant feeling to wear brand new clothes that look good. It can make your image better and improve your charisma, and people are more self-confident when they are pleased with their appearance. I think it’s understandable that ladies always try to buy new clothes. Furthermore, people are all becoming more and more materialistic: we all care about occupying good stuff like cars or big houses and even the latest version of iPhone, especially when other people have. If we can afford something fancy with our own salary, we will experience a sense of achievement.


幾種在句中常見(jiàn)的表示遞進(jìn)的關(guān)聯(lián)詞,來(lái)替換and的單一性:furthermore, moreover, still, in addition, additionally, more specifically, besides, in other words, on the other hand, meanwhile, at the same time…

2. How do shops nowadays compare to shops in the past?


很多同學(xué)還是比較擅長(zhǎng)描述現(xiàn)在的購(gòu)物都是怎么樣的。被我們聊得最多的也就是網(wǎng)上購(gòu)物在逐漸代替實(shí)體店購(gòu)物這件事。但是我們同時(shí)應(yīng)該注意到,題目中出現(xiàn)了compare這個(gè)單詞,就是要求我們說(shuō)明兩件事情,并作出一個(gè)比較明顯的比較。而就不是單單說(shuō)一方面了。并且是shop的為主語(yǔ),其實(shí)更多的是想問(wèn)實(shí)體店physical shops的今昔對(duì)比。



I suppose that a few decades ago, people had to go to different places to buy daily items they needed: hammer in a hardware store, pork at the butcher’s or clothes in a tailor’s shop. But I believe that the shop owners were also more welcoming and considerate. Nowadays, a superstore like Walmart or Carrefour provides every single necessity and these are extremely convenient for people’s living. And for sure, shopping malls are available wherever you go. I bet now there are a lot more shops than in the past. As a consequence, customers have way more options than they did 30 years ago.


hammer錘子 hardware五金器具,硬件 butcher屠夫 tailor裁縫


Walmart 沃爾瑪 Carrefour家樂(lè)福


3. What are the features of a successful shopping center?


我們遇到這樣一個(gè)問(wèn)題的時(shí)候會(huì)不會(huì)選擇拿一個(gè)著名的shopping mall來(lái)舉例子呢?如果你舉得這個(gè)例子是你自己本身比較熟悉的,是專(zhuān)門(mén)研究過(guò),積累過(guò)一定素材的就還好,但如果不是可能會(huì)出現(xiàn)越說(shuō)到后面就越無(wú)話(huà)可說(shuō)的情況。



First of all, location is the crucial factor that affects it popularity. It should be conveniently situated for its clients. In addition, I bet a fabulous shopping mall should be quite modern and trendy for its exterior. But the interior should be spacious and tidy with large clean windows. This will create a comfortable environment and atmosphere. Most importantly, they should offer customers good quality products as well as service. If they do so, they will definitely attract and retain the shoppers.



conveniently 方便地

client customer shopper顧客

exterior/interior 外部、內(nèi)部


4. Do you think that men and women have different attitudes toward shopping?


這個(gè)問(wèn)題與很多相類(lèi)似于有compare, and, or一樣的詞有相同的思路就是不能只說(shuō)單方面。就這個(gè)題來(lái)說(shuō),太明顯就是我們應(yīng)該分別說(shuō)一下,或者每一個(gè)點(diǎn)都做一下男女的對(duì)比。而不能只說(shuō)一個(gè)方面。另外要告訴同學(xué)們,當(dāng)你遇到一個(gè)不是特別會(huì)聊的話(huà)題的時(shí)候,對(duì)比是非常有用的利器,讓你的素材一下子增倍。


男女在日常中的很多不同最終都或多或少反映在你買(mǎi)什么東西上。所以同學(xué)們可以先回答這個(gè)yes-no question,然后對(duì)比一下,男士買(mǎi)東西比較理智,上街買(mǎi)東西是非常有目的性的,如果要是買(mǎi)不到還一直繼續(xù)逛下去的話(huà)就會(huì)比較崩潰。但是女同志就不一樣了,上街有可能是只看不買(mǎi),只逛街還要有同伴可以閑聊,是放松的一種手段,也可能是看看最新的物件,還有就是傷心難過(guò)了買(mǎi)一堆東西解氣。

Yes, there’s no doubt! Most men are more likely to spend cash in their hand sensibly. They only buy something which they really need with precise aims. If men shop for hours without any specific goals, they will definitely go mad and get tired of it. Whereas most women regard shopping for fashionable things as a routine. They shop with a few friends in order to chat and relax. Also, women are always curious to see what’s new or in even they’re not inclined to really buy them. So there are distinct attitudes and behaviors between two genders toward shopping.


回答一般疑問(wèn)句時(shí),如果是肯定的,我們可以用definitely,absolutely,that’s for sure, there’s no doubt, I really think so;如果是否定的,我們可以用no way, not at all, I don’t really think so, I really don’t think so等來(lái)回答。

雅思口語(yǔ)話(huà)題庫(kù)part2話(huà)題范文之:a product you bought which made you very happy(開(kāi)心購(gòu)物)




This is an interesting topic for me and I thank you for the chance to talk about an item that I purchased and was happy about. Well, I can remember many such experiences, however, after I bought a washing machine for my mother, I was exhilarated.

My mother is a housewife and she does a lot for all of us. She is like the comfortable shadow in our life on a hot summer day. We quite often forget to tell her how much we love her and sometimes we do not even thank her for things she does. But without her, our life would simply be a disaster. After I started my job, I had a plan to buy her something. I saved some money each month and then after few months, I decided to buy her a washing machine so that she no longer needs to do her laundry manually. I thought that would save her from some tedious weekly works and would allow her to enjoy more leisure hours.

One day I went to a large LG showroom and selected a medium size washing machine. It was a bit expensive for me to afford at that time but I bought it anyway. After I reached home with this washing machine and surprised everybody with this sudden commodity, I realised how exhilarating it is to be able to make others happy. My mother was very excited that I astounded her in such a way. She asked me to teach her how to operate it and then cooked some special dishes at night to make the event memorable. This was probably something she wished to own and when I bought it for her, she was very amazed... She was also worried that I had to spend a large sum of money to buy it, but I told her that it is something I always planned to do with my salary.

After that, I have bought many products and electronic gadgets for me or for others, but being able to surprise my mother with my first earned salary was something very special. The washing machine I bought worked fine for more than 5 years and it was then replaced with a newer one. However, my memory regarding this first washing machine at our home was something I will never forget.


四個(gè)基礎(chǔ)詞匯"maybe", "perhaps", "possibly","probably"



使用場(chǎng)合"Maybe"的使用比較隨性,比如:A: Are you going to Jane's party?

簡(jiǎn)的聚會(huì)你會(huì)去嗎?B: Maybe. You?

也許吧。你去嗎?"Perhaps"則更正式一點(diǎn),比如:A: Would it be possible to change my seat number?

可以給我換個(gè)座位號(hào)嗎?B: Perhaps. Please hold while I check.


具體運(yùn)用? 回答一般疑問(wèn)句時(shí)使用:A: Do you think you'll get a chance to visit your cousin Mary while you're in town?

你進(jìn)城時(shí)能順便看一下你瑪麗表姐嗎?B: Maybe. It depends on how busy I end up being with work stuff.


? 用在不定冠詞("a", "an")和定冠詞("the")前:That's probably a bad decision.

那大概率是個(gè)不怎么樣的決定。This is possibly the worst meal I've ever had.

這頓飯可能是我吃過(guò)的最差的一次。I'm maybe an inch taller than him.


? 用在情態(tài)動(dòng)詞和be動(dòng)詞之間("could be", "might be", "may be", "should be"):This could possibly be the last time we ever see each other.

這可能是我倆此生最后一次見(jiàn)面了。We should probably be thankful that it didn't turn out worse.



? Weather permitting 如果天氣狀況允許的話(huà)

Weather permitting, we will be there on time.

天氣狀況允許的話(huà),我們會(huì)按時(shí)到那兒。The plane lands at midnight, weather permitting.


? It is possible that 有可能……It is possible that you might feel some discomfort after the checkup.


? Depending on circumstances 視情況而定Honda will resume production in stages, depending on the ongoing circumstances.








多參考一些優(yōu)秀口語(yǔ)范文,學(xué)習(xí)別人的表達(dá)方式和思路,對(duì)我們提高雅思口語(yǔ)分?jǐn)?shù)是很有利的,下面小編給大家?guī)?lái)雅思口語(yǔ)Part2范文:開(kāi)心購(gòu)物。雅思口語(yǔ)Part2題庫(kù):開(kāi)心購(gòu)物Describe a product


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