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  托福TPO4口語task5題目 Listening Part:

  Now listen to a conversation between two students on campus.

  (man) Hi, good morning. Could you help me with something?

  (woman) Uh, maybe, what’s up?

  (man) Well, I’m a first-year student.

  (woman) Everything going OK?

  (man) Actually, no. Um, this is a little embarrassing. I think I left my class schedule back at my dorm.

  (woman) Hmmm, not a good thing to do on the first day of classes.

  (man) Yeah, so I’m not sure where my class is, I think I remember it was supposed to be here in Smith Hall.

  (woman) There’s a computer for student use in the Student Center. You can go over there, look it up and check the room number. But you’d have to hurry.

  (man) Hmmm, that’s not a bad idea. I could check my schedule for the whole rest of the day at the same time. I don’t know where any of my other classes are either, but I don’t want to be late, make a bad impression with the professor on the first day. It’s actually my very first class, Introduction to Psychology.

  (woman) Psychology? Oh, OK, you’re definitely in the right building. And if it’s Introduction to Psychology, it’s gonna be a big class. In which case, it probably meets in a big lecture hall. Ther e are only three lecture halls in the building, one on every floor. Just check each floor till you find yours. There’s elevators so you should be able to move fast.

  (man) Yeah, but I don’t know what the professor looks like or anything. How would I know it’s my class or not? It’d be sort of embarrassing, sticking my head into each lecture hall asking if I was in the right place.

  (woman) Well, you might luck out and find it the first time.

  托福TPO4口語task5題目 Question:

  The speakers discussed two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem then state which solution you recommend and explain why.

  托福TPO4口語task5 答案解析:

  1. Listening key

  (1.1) Problem: left class schedule back in the dorm, can’t find class

  (1.2) Solution 1: go to the student center and check on the computer

  (1.2.1) Pro: find the schedule for the whole day

  (1.2.2) Con: might be late for class and leave a bad impression on the prof.

  (1.3) Solution 2: check all the lecture halls one by one

  (1.3.1) Pro: saves time; there’s an elevator

  (1.3.2) Con: embarrassing to pop in and ask if it’s the right class

  托福TPO4口語task5 范文

  The man’s problem is that he left his class schedule in the dorm and now he can’t find his class. There are two possible solutions. The first is to go to the student center and check his schedule on the computer. The second solution is to check the three lecture halls on each floor till he finds the right one. I think the first solution is better for the following reasons. First of all, if he looks up the schedule online, not only he can find where Introduction to Psychology is, he can also get his schedule for the rest of the day. Plus, it’d be really embarrassing to stick his head into each lecture hall, asking if it is the right one. It’ll disturb the other professors and students as well.






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