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網(wǎng)友:既然說(shuō)雅思口語(yǔ)考試重點(diǎn)是考察考生的交際能力,那么考官問(wèn)一個(gè)問(wèn)題,如果我覺(jué)得很難,不知道該怎樣回答,我就說(shuō),"I know little about it, could we change a topic?"這樣可以嗎?會(huì)扣分嗎?我覺(jué)得自己還是在和他交流呀。

老師:你碰到一個(gè)不熟悉的,不好回答的題很正常,但是避免不了,在這里你可以告訴考官I'm not so familiar with this topic but I think . . . or let me think abou that . . . well I suppose . . .這樣回答顯得很自然,而且你可以顯示你的英文水平,考官不一定想知道你對(duì)某一個(gè)話題是怎么想的,關(guān)鍵的是你是否能夠用清楚的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的英語(yǔ)來(lái)回答,同時(shí)也能表達(dá)出你的觀點(diǎn)。


71. What color do you like? Why? ( 5 - 6 )

I prefer red. In China, red is associated with life and good luck. A traditional Chinese bride wears something red on her wedding day, such as her wedding gown and handkerchief used to cover her head, in the hope that it will bring her and her bridegroom some luck in future.

71. What color do you like? Why? ( 7 - 8 )

If I had to describe my favorite color, I would choose yellow. Many artists are known to use yellow in their paintings. For example, Vincent van Gogh is famous for the yellow sunflowers in some of his paintings. Many countries have yellow in their national flags. For example, South Africa has a broad yellow band in their newly designed flag. This symbolizes the energy and warmth to be found in the nation.

71. W

hat color do you like? Why? ( 7 - 8 )

Yellow is my favorite color. First of all, to me, yellow symbolizes the sun. What I mean to say is that it reminds me of energy and warmth. Secondly, yellow is a bright color as apposed to dull colors like brown and gray. For instance, brown and gray usually make me feel depressed. Lastly, I would like to mention that yellow is a practical color. That is to say, you can wear yellow with almost any color, and it does not get dirty too easily.

72. Do colors have some symbolic meaning in China? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, colors certainly have a lot of meaning in China. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, it is significant that the national flag of China has a red background. Red is symbolic, for example, of avibrant life, which we believe are one of the dominant characteristics of the country and its people. It also signifies good luck, so a bride would wear some red on her wedding day. In addition, I think that yellow has a specific meaning to Chinese people. For example, we believe that it symbolizes the energy radiated by the sun, which in turn is the primary source of life. In addition, however, it also signifies the obscene, as apposed to blue in the most of the western cultures. For example, here a ‘blue movie’, would be called a ‘yellow movie’. Lastly, I think that white has a special meaning to us. To be more specific, in times of sadness and mourning, we use white to express our feelings, as apposed to black in most of the western cultures.


58. What does friendship mean to you? ( 5 - 8 )

Friendship is of great importance to me because I believe that it lays solid foundation for many of our relationships. Husbands and wives, for example, should be friends. In addition, I need friends to help me when I am in trouble. I know this sound selfish, but I feel that it is one of the reasons why I have friends, and they would not mind me saying so. In turn, my friends know that I willalways be available if they turn to me.

59. Do you have a lot of friends? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I have a lot of friends. Some of them are only casual friends like my friends at work, but I also have some best friends who I have known for many years. I will do anything to help them when they need me, and I know they would do the same for me.

60. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? ( 5 - 6 )

I prefer to be alone. Please allow me to explain. I like reading, which takes a lot of my time. Reading to me is a way of studying, so I have to do it alone. I often have to check the meaning of unfamiliar words in my dictionary, which is a slow process taking a lot of time.

60. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? ( 5 - 6 )

I prefer to be with my friends. Please allow me to explain. At work I spend most of my time alone in my office. So after work I like the company of other people. I often invite some of my friends over, and we listen to our favorite music, or just chat the whole evening.

60. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? ( 7 - 8 )

It depends. Sometimes I prefer to be alone. For example, after a hard day at work I just want to relax without anybody disturbing me. Those are the times that I might meditate on the meaning of life for example, or just savour some fond memories. On the other hand, sometimes I want to be with my friends. For example, over weekends, I like to go out with them and enjoy their stimulating company.

61. What do you usually do with your friends? ( 5 - 6 )

We do a lot of things together. Visiting net bars is one of them. We go there to play computer games or surf the net to have a chat with young people abroad. We often spend hours there at a time. The other interest we share is to play basketball. We usually challenge another group to play against us.

61. What do you usually do with your friends? ( 7 - 8 )

We usually go to the movies. My friends and I like cartoons very much, so we find out in the newspaper where a new cartoon is being showed and go and watch it. In addition, we like to watch a good action movie from time to time. We find the spectacular crashes and explosions very exiting. These movies are from Hong Kong or Hollywood, and have famous actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise playing in them.


73. Do you like / enjoy shopping? ( 5 - 6 )

Yes, I love shopping. I like to go to the shops and see what they have to offer. I browse around and compare the prices before a buy something. Secondly, I do the shopping of all our household needs. I love to find out about any new products on the market and how they can possibly make my life easier.

73. Do you like / enjoy shopping? ( 7 - 8 )

No, I hate shopping. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, shopping is the most basic activity in a capitalistic society. What I mean to say is that somebody has a product which they would like you to buy from them whether you really need it or not. They lure you into their shops and malls by advertising their goods on TV and in the newspapers. They only tell you about the positive aspects oftheir product, but would never mention the disadvantages. This you have to find out for yourself, usually after you have bought the product.


74. Do you often go to the cinema? ( 5 - 6 )

Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I usually go with some friends to watch the latest action movies or comedies. We have a great time when our favorite star is playing a lead role in themovie.

74. Do you often go to the cinema? ( 7 - 8 )

Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I believe that films are a wonderful form of art. In films there are a wide range of genres ranging from comedy and drama, to horror and science fiction. For example, recently I have seen the movie ‘Titanic’, which has been described as the most expensive film ever made. The extent to which the producers attended to the details of the original ship was astounding. Another example would be the thriller ‘Silence of the Lambs’ with my favorite actor Anthony Hopkins playing the leading role. It had me on the edge of my seat for most of thetime.

75. Do you often go to the theater? ( 5 - 8 )

No. I have never been to the theater. It is too expensive for me. I prefer to go to the cinema. Secondly, I believe that the theater is boring. What I mean to say is that the actors are on the samestage the whole time. I cannot see how that can be as exciting as a good movie.

76. What kinds of movies do you like best? ( 5 - 8 )

I like comedies. First of all, comedies are of great fun. What I mean is that I have a good laugh while watching them. Secondly, comedies seldom contain violent scenes. For instance, you would not easily find murders, shooting, fighting, and so on in a comedy. Lastly, comedies often contain excellent acting by famous stars. For example, Robbie Williams in ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ is considered oneof the most extraordinary performances ever by an actor.

77. Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her. ( 5 - 8 )

My favorite movie star is Jackie Cheng. He is handsome and very funny. He always has a smile on his face, and never seems to be worried about the situations that he finds himself in.















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