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  Part 1基本題:

  Are you a student or do you work?

  What is your job?

  Why do you choose this type of job?

  Do you love your job at the moment?

  Is there anything you dislike at your job?

  Will you change your job if you were given thechance some day?

  Part 2話題:


  來源:北京環(huán)球教育培訓(xùn)學(xué)校2018-07-30|已幫助:313 人工作類話題在雅思口語考試中始終占有一席之地,尤其是一些年紀(jì)稍大的G類考生始終對此感到困惑。下面是關(guān)于工作話題的雅思口語,一起來了解下吧:


  Part 1基本題:

  Are you a student or do you work?

  What is your job?

  Why do you choose this type of job?

  Do you love your job at the moment?

  Is there anything you dislike at your job?

  Will you change your job if you were given thechance some day?

  Part 2話題:

  Describe an important job in your country(重要的工作)

  Part 3考題:

  Do you think some jobs are more important than others?

  Do you think people who are doing unpleasantjobs should be paid more?

  How do young people choose career these days?

  Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?

  Why do some say they cannot work in the samecompany for too long?


  1. 關(guān)于“Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?”, 答案顯而易見,無非是“parents”, “school”,以及“social resources” etc.

  The explanation for parents:

  In China, it is a usual practice that parentsalways shoulder the responsibility to planthe careers for their children. They claim that they know their children wellenough to decide what kind of job suits them. Some of the parents hope theirchildren to do some high-pay jobs, which will set them in higher social statusand economic benefits. Others even expect their children to take over thecareers of their fathers. You know, family business is really common in China.

  The explanation for school:

  In the graduating periodfrom university, there’s a large amount of senior students would face to huntfor a job in the following time. Almost in every Chinese university, seniorstudents can seek help from the career guidance subject. Students would betrained to make a CV and practiced to perform perfect in the future interview.

  The explanation for socialresources:

  Social resources, whichrefer to networks and media, are also an important approach in modern society. Nowadays,Internetis widely accepted among the young. People just need to type in somekey words of career interest, and then millions of job positions will presentthe information. Besides, in these websites, there still many templates beenprovided to job hunters to make a perfect CV.

  2. Why do some people say they cannot work inthe same company for too long?

  這道題是典型的Part 3個人觀點題。考生需在較短的時間內(nèi),羅列出“跳槽”的理由,的確存在一些挑戰(zhàn)。以下,我們分別來分析“終身職業(yè)”及“跳槽”各自的好處與壞處。

  Alwayswork in the same company


  it is more possible to get a promotion

  fullydeveloped in the certain area

  can earn respect from “l(fā)ate comers”


  it is so boring to do the repeated work

  people who always doing the same work will losepassion gradually

  Changefor different jobs


  people can get higher pay and higher positionfrom the right change

  a wise change will lead to a new stage and newenvironment


  frequent change would lead to a crisis of trust

  job-hopping is risky


  You should say:

  - what kind of job it was

  - where did you learn about it

  - what kind of training/ skills are needed for that job

  and explain why it was your dream job.

  雅思口語part 2范文

  When I was young, I wanted to work for a major aviation company as a pilot. In fact, becoming a pilot, who flies commercial aeroplanes, was my dream in my childhood.

  I have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then I had a superficial idea about this job. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a documentary on the tasks the pilots do in Discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the jobs of a commercial aeroplane pilot.

  Working as a pilot requires a very comprehensive training and to become a good pilot one needs very good quality and skill sets. Usually, the commercial airline companies hire the candidates and then give them comprehensive training, both theoretical and practical, and after particular hours of flawless flying records, the candidates are sent to work for their jobs.

  The theoretical parts teach them the different aspects of flying, route, safety and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually fly a real aeroplane. They need to prove that they have gained sufficient skills to fly a commercial plane before they are appointed to do the job.

  I was a fascination on flying the aero plane in the sky. It was a thrilling job to me when I was a young. Since different people of the family members started giving me the idea of good careers and what I would become in the future, I started speculating my own idea and I found the job of a pilot very exciting and prestigious. I knew that being a pilot would allow me to visit different countries across our boundaries and would allow me to meet different people and these 2 ideas also attracted me toward this job. For all those reasons it was my dream job when I was young.


  1.Is it easy to find work (employment) in your country?

  Well, it really depends on what kind of jobs you’re looking for. Like, if you want to work in state companies, it’s quite hard to get in, since you have to have relationships and connections, people who introduce you for the job, but for something in private companies, it’s quite easy actually, as long as you have a college degree and some relevant working experience, it’s a piece of cake.

  2.What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country?

  I think there have been many changes in the types of jobs that people do nowadays compared to 20 or 30 years ago. First of all there are much fewer jobs related to heavy industry such as mining or ship-building or even manufacturing. Secondly, there has been a big increase in the number of jobs in the service and leisure industries like shops, gyms, and hotels. And finally, since the launch of the internet there has been a big surge in the number of jobs related to IT, such as web development and design.

  3.What jobs pay the highest salary in your country?

  Well, I’m not exactly that sure, but my guess would be that things like banking and real estate are probably the sectors which pay the highest, because I mean, there's so much money invested in property here in China, so the salary's bound to be pretty good if you work in real estate. And as for banking, well, I think it goes without saying that most jobs related to banking are relatively highly-paid, which is one of the main reasons why so many graduates here wanna find a job in a bank!

  4.Do you think changing jobs is a positive thing to do?

  Yeah, I'd say it's perfectly fine to change jobs. I mean, I can't see any point in doing one job throughout your whole career if you're bored out of your wits! So for me I would say the main thing is to be passionate about your job, and if at any point you start to lose enthusiasm in what you're doing, then it might be a good time to consider moving on and doing something else.

  5.What age do you think is suitable to start work?

  Well, it's really kind of hard to generalize, because some people feel ready to start work as soon as they've finished high school, and a lot of people who've done this have ended up quite successful. But I guess it probably also depends on what job you wanna do, because highly-skilled jobs, like being a doctor or surgeon for example, require many years of training, whereas menial jobs, like working behind a till at McDonald's, hardly require any training, so probably any age from 15 would be suitable for that kind of work.

  6.How do you think work will change over the next few decades?

  That's a good question, and thinking about it, I guess one thing that could happen is that more people might start working from home, simply because it's becoming more and more inconvenient travelling to work due to traffic congestion. So that's one thing, and I guess it's also quite possible that work, in general, will become more internet-based, because the influence of the internet on people's work has increased incredibly in the last 10 years or so, and I can't see this changing. I mean, more or less everything we do now can be done on the internet, and because it's so convenient, I would say it will play an even bigger role in our lives in years to come.


  1. Do you work somewhere?

  Yes, I am working as a Business Analyst in a large IT company. the name of this company is IT Vista and I joined there 2 years ago.

  2. What do you do for living?

  The job is my main source of income. Apart from that I work as a part-time consultant in a Business organisation and do some professional content writing as a free lancer.

  3. How much time do you spend at your job?

  I spent around 8 hours everyday in my day job. I get Saturday and Sunday off from this job which I utilise to spend time with my family. I work about 4 hours as a consultant in another office on Friday and Sunday. Apart from that my free lancing career requires me 2 hours approximately each night. So on an average I spend around 9-10 hours per day at my job.

  4. How long have you been working?

  As a full-time employee I am working for the last 4 years. But I started my freelancing career far before than that.

  5. Do you like your job?

  Definitely I love my job. I love the work I do and I like to be productive in my job field. In fact my job brings me my bread and butter and I am grateful for having a nice job in a prestigious organisation.

  6.What are you doing these days?

  You mean in my office right? In my office I am working on requirement creation for a large software and I need to report the progress everyday to the team lead. Apart from that I am writing a pdf manual for a client.

  7.What do you do in a typical day at work?

  I mostly research different software and try to understand what the market leaders of a particular software are doing. I document their strong and weak points and then call a meeting to describe my findings. Then I take feedback from the developers and other senior managers to finalise my software requirement. I often attend meetings with my CEO and team members to track the progress of a project.



  Part 1基本題:

  Are you a student or do you work?

  What is your job?

  Why do you choose this type of job?

  Do you love your job at the moment?

  Is there anything you dislike at your job?

  Will you change your job if you were given thechance some day?

  Part 2話題:

  Describe an important job in your country(重要的工作)

  Part 3考題:

  Do you think some jobs are more important than others?

  Do you think people who are doing unpleasantjobs should be paid more?

  How do young people choose career these days?

  Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?

  Why do some say they cannot work in the samecompany for too long?


  1. 關(guān)于“Where do young people get advice about choosinga career?”, 答案顯而易見,無非是“parents”, “school”,以及“social resources” etc.

  The explanation for parents:

  In China, it is a usual practice that parentsalways shoulder the responsibility to planthe careers for their children. They claim that they know their children wellenough to decide what kind of job suits them. Some of the parents hope theirchildren to do some high-pay jobs, which will set them in higher social statusand economic benefits. Others even expect their children to take over thecareers of their fathers. You know, family business is really common in China.

  The explanation for school:

  In the graduating periodfrom university, there’s a large amount of senior students would face to huntfor a job in the following time. Almost in every Chinese university, seniorstudents can seek help from the career guidance subject. Students would betrained to make a CV and practiced to perform perfect in the future interview.

  The explanation for socialresources:

  Social resources, whichrefer to networks and media, are also an important approach in modern society. Nowadays,Internetis widely accepted among the young. People just need to type in somekey words of career interest, and then millions of job positions will presentthe information. Besides, in these websites, there still many templates beenprovided to job hunters to make a perfect CV.

  2. Why do some people say they cannot work inthe same company for too long?

  這道題是典型的Part 3個人觀點題??忌柙谳^短的時間內(nèi),羅列出“跳槽”的理由,的確存在一些挑戰(zhàn)。以下,我們分別來分析“終身職業(yè)”及“跳槽”各自的好處與壞處。

  Alwayswork in the same company


  it is more possible to get a promotion

  fullydeveloped in the certain area

  can earn respect from “l(fā)ate comers”


  it is so boring to do the repeated work

  people who always doing the same work will losepassion gradually

  Changefor different jobs


  people can get higher pay and higher positionfrom the right change

  a wise change will lead to a new stage and newenvironment


  frequent change would lead to a crisis of trust

  job-hopping is risky


  You should say:

  - what kind of job it was

  - where did you learn about it

  - what kind of training/ skills are needed for that job

  and explain why it was your dream job.

  雅思口語part 2范文  When I was young, I wanted to work for a major aviation company as a pilot. In fact, becoming a pilot, who flies commercial aeroplanes, was my dream in my childhood.

  I have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then I had a superficial idea about this job. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a documentary on the tasks the pilots do in Discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the jobs of a commercial aeroplane pilot.

  Working as a pilot requires a very comprehensive training and to become a good pilot one needs very good quality and skill sets. Usually, the commercial airline companies hire the candidates and then give them comprehensive training, both theoretical and practical, and after particular hours of flawless flying records, the candidates are sent to work for their jobs.

  The theoretical parts teach them the different aspects of flying, route, safety and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually fly a real aeroplane. They need to prove that they have gained sufficient skills to fly a commercial plane before they are appointed to do the job.

  I was a fascination on flying the aero plane in the sky. It was a thrilling job to me when I was a young. Since different people of the family members started giving me the idea of good careers and what I would become in the future, I started speculating my own idea and I found the job of a pilot very exciting and prestigious. I knew that being a pilot would allow me to visit different countries across our boundaries and would allow me to meet different people and these 2 ideas also attracted me toward this job. For all those reasons it was my dream job when I was young.

  雅思口語話題:描述你的工作 讓你成功通過雅思考試



  ( 這里回答已經(jīng)工作了, 關(guān)于學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)類的話題會在其它文章中單獨介紹, 記得關(guān)注太陽花說英語, 閱讀其它相關(guān)文章)

  其次,考官會接著問: 你是做什么工作的? 你為什么選擇這個工作?你現(xiàn)在喜歡你的工作嗎?

  最后,考官還會問: 你在工作中有什么不喜歡的地方嗎? 如果某天有人給你一天假,你會換工作嗎?


  關(guān)于怎樣回答"你是做什么工作的?", 我的文章"最地道最實用的基礎(chǔ)英語口語1 (工作篇)"中有寫道如何地道地回答這個問題, 所以這里就不詳細(xì)介紹如何了, 省得重復(fù),沒有意義.


  這里額外介紹一個其它的方法來回答你做什么工作的: I work with...

  I work with computers.

  I'm a teacher. I work with special-needs children.


  “I'm responsible for…”

  或者 " I'm in charge of…”

  再或者“My job involves…"


  I'm responsible for updating the company website.

  I'm in charge of interviewing candidates for jobs.

  My job involves giving tours of the museum.



  I'm unemployed.

  I'm between jobs at the moment.



  I'm a stay-at-home mom/dad

  如果你在自主創(chuàng)業(yè),為自己工作,you can say “I'm self-employed.”(“我是個體經(jīng)營者”)

  如果你有自己的公司,你可以說“I own a small business,”

  或者更具體地說,“I own a restaurant".

  雅思口語Part 2&




  My job is interesting / exciting.


  The work is quite challenging”


  My job is tough / tiring / demanding.

  The work is ratherdull / boring / repetitive.





  When you are officially accepted into a new job at a company, you are hired by the company.


  “I was hiredby an insurance company just two weeks after graduating from college.”


  When you’re hired, you become an employee of the company。


  The company becomes youremployer。


  The other employees in the company are your colleaguesor coworkers。


  The person above you who is responsible for your work is your boss or supervisor.


  You can work full-time.




  A small number of companies offer flex-time, meaning the employee canset his/her own schedule.


  In some jobs, you work shifts – meaning the hours aren’t the same every day.


  Instead, you work a specific block of hoursthat the manager schedules. If you work overtime, it means you work extra hours in addition to your normal schedule.

  英語中, 上班通常使用"go to work"來表示;下班用"get off work" 來表示.


  I go to work at 8:30, and I get off work at 5.”



  Your commuteis how long it takes you to arrive at work by car or public transportation.

  例句: “I have a 20-minute commute.”


  Some jobs allow you to work remotely.


  – that means you can work from home or another place with an internet connection, and you communicate withyour coworkers by phone, e-mail, and video conferencing.


  you earn a salary.

  不要說“win a salary”的錯誤,正確的動詞是“earn".

  加薪 升職 獎金


  If you're good at your job, you might get a pay raise(or a raise).

  – an increase in your salary.

  或者, 你也可以升職。

  You could alsoget a promotion.

  – an increase inimportance and authority(提高重要性和權(quán)威性).


  At the end of the year, some companies give their employees a bonus.

  – extra money for work well done(額外的錢用是因為工作出色).



  The opposite of “hire” isfire.

  – when your company forces you to leave your job(當(dāng)你的公司讓你辭職時). 例句:

  Peter was fired because he never came to work on time.


  I'm going to quit my job.

  I'm going to leave my job.

  I'm going to...注意: "quit”是非正式的英語, 最好不要用在你的寫作里, 口語使用則OK. “l(fā)eave”是正式的, 口語可以用, 寫作時也可以使用.“be going to”介于"quit”和“l(fā)eave”之間.


  在大多數(shù)國家,人們在65歲左右退休。如果你比這個年齡大,并且退休在家,你可以說“I'm retired.”這句話就是來描述你目前的狀況的。


  Describe someone you know who has an interesting job

  You should say

  Who the person is

  How you know them

  What job they do

  And explain why you think their job is interesting


  Ok then well the person that I’d like to talk about is actually my sister, who is an events manager, and from what she’s told me, it sounds like a really interesting job, as I’ll come to explain in a moment.

  But um, firstly, I guess I should briefly explain what she actually does in her job, and uh, to put it simply, she basically manages the planning and running of events. So that would include things like um, arranging the venue, uh getting everything set up, um.. what else…uh,…oh yeah, food of course, invitations, all that kind of stuff. So she finds it pretty challenging, what with all the responsibilities that come with the job, but also very rewarding, especially if the event went well.

  Anyway, as for why I think it’s an interesting job, well um, I think it’s mainly due to the fact that it kind ofen compasses so many different things. And I mean, you know, every event she does is, in some way, different to what she’s done before. So as a result, she’s constantly, like, experiencing and learning new things. And also, you know, she travels all around the country putting on various events. Um… and in the process, she gets to meet a lot of different people, including celebrities, occasionally.

  So yeah, I think these things are basically what make her job so interesting, and that’s kind of why she’s been doing this job for as long as she has. You know, I think she’s been doing it for something like 10 or 11 years, and I’m sure she wouldn’t have stuck to it for that long if it wasn’t interesting! Um…yeah, that’s pretty much it then. Thanks for listening.


  I’ll come to explain in a moment = I will explain soon.

  Venue = 地點. The word “venue” is used when referring to the place where an event is being held.

  Encompass = cover, include 包含;包圍;包括

  What with – 考慮到

  Something like = about

  Stuck to it = stayed doing it